Why Futures Matter.
How often do you think about a future that is more than two years away? Now imagine trying to get up close and personal with what is likely to happen in thirty years from now.
We help you imagine and shape better futures. Notice the use of futures, plural, and not as one future. That is because the future may unfold in many ways. There is no one future ahead. Despite all the data and information on hand, you simply cannot predict the future.
We sharpen your foresight skills, improve your ability to navigate uncertainty, and get you excited about positive futures. A spectrum of futures methods is available to help you cope with all the changes that impacts your lives, your careers, and your businesses.
Our strategic sessions, think tanks, learning experiences and conversations about environmental, ethical, political, social, and economic issues aim to impact the long range.
Book a discovery conversation here
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Development Experiences
Futures Workshops
Mindsets, beliefs, and assumptions mature over time. People change with and through their relationships with others. To support the process of development, we offer a range of futures workshops to expand your horizons.
Futures Coaching
People change with and through their relationships with others. Our futures coaching is designed to get you unstuck and on the road to clarity.
People are complex. Our assessments provide alternative ways of unpacking human complexity towards positive futures.
We have received great feedback from our delegates with regards to the session, programme and content and we sincerely appreciate your involvement and continued support in various capacities, which assisted in making this such a successful addition to our overall programme.
It is through meaningful partnerships that the Institute can grow and invest in strategic programmes for our members and we value your contribution in this regard. We look forward to working with you again in the future.
Vanessa is a coach who cares. She’s present, focussed and deeply concerned for who you are and what you are working towards. She combines her business experience with that care and grounded coaching skills to invite you to develop in ways that are meaningful and tangible. A wonderful combination that makes a difference.”